Learning 2.1

Friday, October 30, 2009

Well it's nice to be back doing my blog again. I am so looking forward to participating in this new program and learning some new technologies. As requested I have had a go at changing the look of my blog.
I tried a few different templates but have finally settled on the one I am now using. The problem with using a third party template is that I am unable to change any of the layout elements and am unable to change the fonts or text/ background colours. Still I don't mind how the blog looks as it is. As per usual I went about changing my template 'like a bull at a gate' and did not read things properly, consequently I have lost all of the gadgets I had on my original blog, so I now have to try and remember how to put them all back on. I have however found lots of other gadgets so I might just give them a try instead of the old ones.
I have been reading a lot of blogs by other people, mainly craft and cooking ones, over the past year but am looking forward to reading my colleagues blogs again.
Once again thanks to the PLNSW for giving us the opportunity to learn about these new technologies.